George Walks The Sussex Border Path

George Walks The Sussex Border Path

Usually I try to keep charity and crowdfunding as separate issues but sometimes the twain just meets.  On this occasion the two things are thrust together by virtue of the fact that George is walking all the way around Sussex and, given that I live in the east part of the county, it seems only right and proper to lend my support.  Add to that the fact that I consider The National Autistic Society to a be a particularly worthwhile cause and frankly I would seem like a bit of a grumpy pants if I didn’t make some effort to raise awareness of this event.

185 Miles Around the Sussex Border Path

East and West Sussex combined takes up a lot of room down here in the south of England so walking around it is no mean feat.  George has been training all winter with weekly 25 to 30 mile hikes to make sure he’s fit enough to tackle what equates to walking 7 marathons in 7 days.

If you want to find out more about the walk and how you can support George then head over to  .

If you’re in Crowborough on July 8th 2017 then be sure to head over to the Crowborough Fun Day at Goldsmith’s Leisure Centre and see George across the finishing line.  They’re probably selling jam there too and as everybody knows Sussex jam is the finest in the galaxy.

Always good to hear your thoughts and comments.